Home Maintenance

How To Choose The Best Hot Water System For Your Home


Hot Water Heat Pump Cylinders VS Gas Hot Water Systems

When it comes to your home’s hot water, there are a few different options to choose from. Two of the most popular are heat pump hot water cylinders and gas hot water systems. So, which is the better option for you?

Let’s take a look at hot water heat pumps first

These operate by taking heat from the air and transferring it into the water, meaning they are extremely efficient. In fact, they are so efficient that they can actually save you up to 80% on your hot water costs! They are also quite compact, so they are a great option if you are tight on space.

There are a few downsides to hot water heat pumps, however. One is that heat pump units do generate some noise. Not much noise to be honest (37dB), and it’s usually outside. Additionally, they can take a little while to heat up the water, so if you are someone who likes to have hot water instantly then this may not be the best option for you either.

Now, let’s take a look at gas hot water systems.

These operate by using gas to heat up the water, meaning they are not as efficient as hot water heat pumps. However, they do have the benefit of being much faster at heating up the water, so if you are someone who likes to have hot water instantly then this may be the better option for you.

The Rinnai INFINITY continuous flow gas hot water system
The Rinnai INFINITY is a continuous flow gas hot water system for domestic applications. This type of hot water system produces endless hot water, and is a energy efficient water heating system, because it’s only on when you need hot water.

Additionally, gas hot water systems are much quieter than hot water heat pumps, so if you are looking for a peaceful household then this may be the better option for you.

There are a few downsides to gas hot water systems as well, however. One is that they can be quite expensive to install, so if you are on a budget then this may not be the best option for you.

Let’s get more specific

Initial Cost

Hot water heat pumps are generally more expensive to purchase than gas hot water systems , but the initial investment is typically offset by the lower operating costs over time.

Running Costs

In some places, gas is a cheaper energy source than electricity. However, hot water heat pumps are much more efficient than gas hot water systems, so over time they will start to save you money. In addition, hot water heat pumps can be powered by renewable energy sources like solar power, further reducing their running costs.


There is no direct comparison here.

Hot water heat pumps are available in a range of sizes to meet the needs of different households, whereas gas hot water are instant/continuous hot water systems that do not actually need to store any water.

This means you do not need to worry about a hot water cylinder with gas.

Environmental Impact

Hot water heat pumps have a much lower environmental impact than gas hot water systems. This is because they don’t produce any greenhouse gases. Gas hot water systems, on the other hand, produce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases when they’re used.

So, which is the better option for you?

Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference. If you are looking for an efficient option that can save you money in the long run, then hot water heat pumps are the better option for you. However, if you are looking for a faster option that is still relatively quiet, then gas hot water systems are the better option for you.